3200 msnm

We will head towards Toconao, an indigenous town 38 km away. of San Pedro de Atacama, whose inhabitants are mainly dedicated to agriculture, stone quarrying, the manufacture of liparite stone crafts and where beautiful and abundant orchards also stand out. Later, towards sunset, we will go to the largest salt flat in the country to marvel at its geography and a unique ecosystem where, among other birds, we will be able to spot flamingos.

20:0 – 20:30
SEMI-PRIVATE SERVICE: High quality standard services with a maximum of 10 passengers per group, most of them from hotels that work with us. Our bilingual guides (spanish – english) assure a personalized service.

The days and hours of the excursions may vary depending on the season, climatic conditions and the groups that we form. The final itinerary will be confirmed upon arrival in San Pedro, but even during your stay it can vary depending on the mentioned conditions, we will be informing immediately about any change.

Admission tickets Bilingual Guide
Water & snackPick-up from your hotel


Toconao Orchards

To get to the town of Toconao we head south, 38 km from San Pedro de Atacama. There, we will be welcomed by a local guide, who will show us the different aspects of agriculture developed in the area, the water management system and the different crops developed in that area.

Atacama Salt Flat, Chaxa Lagoon, Flamingos

We head towards the Atacama Salt Flat, located close to the village of Toconao. Being Chile´s biggest salt flat it is also a huge and important deposit of minerals where we can find a multitude of mixed salts like potassium, borax and one of the biggest reserves of lithium on the planet. The salt flat extends in an enormous depression of more than 3.500 km2 at 2.300 m.a.s.l. where – between a rough and wrinkly surface of different forms and colors, small ridges and perfect hexagons – we can find solitary lagoons due to the fact that the basin receives water coming in the form of rivers and melted snow from the mountains without having an outlet. In these lagoons one can observe three varieties of Flamingo or Parina: Andean Flamingo, Puna (or James´s) Flamingo and Chilean Flamingo. In order to protect them, the National reserve Los Flamencos has been created, divided into several sectors, one of them being the core of the Atacama Salt Flat.

The Chaxa Lagoon, located in the Atacama Salt Flat, is one of the most visited places in the surroundings of San Pedro. It is an aquatic system that contains a big quantity of salt. At its borders a special flora develops which – adapted to the salty and desertic climate – adds a golden touch to the landscape, especially at sunrise and dawn, thanks to the effects of the sunlight. One of its main attractions is the possibility to observe colonies of flamingos that fly over the area at certain times of the day, beautifully displaying their colors. Here we will wait for the sunset, when the colors of the lagoon and its surroundings offer us a spectacular view.

The Chaxa Lagoon is co-administrated by Conaf (National Forest Corporation) and the indigenous community of Toconao.


Additional information

Duración5 horas



15:00-15:30 Recogida desde su hotel

Por favor estar listo a la hora indicada.     (La hora de recogida y retorno depende de la estación del año y será confirmada al confirmar la reserva.)

Caminata por Huertos de Toconao

Caminata por alrededor de los Huertos de Toconao. 

Laguna Chaxa

Recorrido por el sendero habilitado en la laguna, conociendo detalles de su conformación geológica y observando aves del lugar, entre ellas flamencos. Atardecer observando el espectacular colorido del entorno.

20:00-20:30 Retorno al hotel


¿Qué llevar?

  • Vestimenta: ropa cómoda, zapatos para caminar.
  • Ropa abrigada para la hora más helada al atardecer.
  • Artículos personales: bloqueador solar, sombrero, lentes.

Para ver más recomendaciones Haz click aquí



Precio incluye:

  • Entradas
  • Guía Bilingüe español – inglés
  • Recogida desde su hotel
  • Aperitivo

La reserva debe ser confirmada con a lo menos 10 días de antelación, a través del pago  del 100% del valor total del programa.

SERVICIO SEMI PRIVADO: Servicio Superior, alto estándar de calidad, compartido con máximo 10 pasajeros por grupo, con guía - conductor profesional bilingüe español - inglés y atención personalizada. Los días y horario de las excursiones pueden variar dependiendo de la estación del año, condiciones climáticas y los grupos que se van formando.

El itinerario final será confirmado al momento de su llegada a San Pedro e incluso puede variar durante su estadía, cuando se trata de programas de varios días, dependiendo de las condiciones mencionadas e intentando respetar los mismos o similares horarios. Le estaremos informando inmediatamente ante cualquier posible modificación.

Nuestros servicios en semi privado son en base a dos personas, lo cual significa que cuando es solo una persona y no hay más reservas debe pagar el mínimo de dos. SI al momento de la excursión se suman más pasajeros entonces le haremos la devolución del adicional cancelado, menos un porcentaje (5%) de costos administrativos.

Esta experiencia también puede ser solicitada en Servicio Privado 

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